Reducing the sales of invasive plant species in Canada  to safeguard biodiversity

The global trade in ornamental nursery stock is the primary pathway for the introduction of nonindigenous invasive plants in Canada. Those invasive plants can threaten biodiversity and diminish its associated ecological, economic, social, cultural, and intrinsic values. To protect our economy, environment and public health from invasive plant species, Canada needs to:

  • Improve policies and legislation.  
  • Establish a permanent national body with responsibility for nonindigenous invasive species.  
  • Create a science-based national plant risk assessment database. This database would provide the name(s) and description of each nonindigenous plant sold in Canada along with its regional ranking as a high, medium, low, or an insignificant invasion risk.   
  • Require that all imports of plants new to Canada undergo risk assessments. 
  • Ban the sale and movement of high-risk invasive plant species, where regionally appropriate.  
  • Require labelling to identify and educate the public about lower-risk invasive plants.  
  • Provide continued and stable funding for public education.   
  • Incentivize the adoption of the National Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Ornamental Horticultural Industry.    

The number of invasive plant species in Canada is steadily growing. With that growth, the management costs and  environmental damage rise. Canada needs to act now to reduce the potential damages and the price tag for management and mitigation.  

At the federal level, invasive plant prevention focuses on safeguarding Canada’s food supply–the plants and animals in the agricultural sector. While laudable and necessary, current regulations fail to safeguard our natural flora and fauna. Canada needs to develop new federal regulatory tools. Canada needs legislation similar to the European Union (EU) act for the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (1143/2014). This act aims to minimize the adverse effects of invasive species on biodiversity and related ecosystem services, as well as human health and safety. In addition, Canada could pass legislation requiring a risk assessment paid for by importers, before any plants not yet present are introduced, as is required by Australia’s Quarantine Proclamation (1998). Only with the proper legal underpinnings can Canada restrict the trade of highly invasive ornamental plants.  

To comply with international conventions and agreements, any trade restrictions must be based on sound scientific risk assessments. Therefore, in addition to enhancing its regulatory framework, Canada needs to improve its scientific capacity and develop a robust national database.  An impact ranking system like I- Rank should be used to categorize invasive plants as High, Medium, Low, or Insignificant risks to biodiversity.

A national database would ensure that reliable information is available to support the activities of federal and regional governments, Indigenous communities, and non-governmental organizations. A permanent federal body dedicated to nonindigenous invasive species is needed to clarify ‘who-does-what’ and coordinate interdepartmental and inter-agency cooperation at both the federal and provincial/territorial levels. 

Education and public awareness are necessary for the successful prevention and management of invasive plants. This means all levels of government should provide ongoing and stable funding for programs that raise awareness, build knowledge and skills, and change attitudes and behaviours. An informed public is more likely to support and promote the control of invasive plants.   

To this end, consumers deserve clear, consistent labelling that tells them what they need to know when shopping for plants. For those lower-risk invasive plants, sellers should be required to:    

  • Inform consumers the plant poses potential risks to the environment,
  • Provide recommendations for alternative noninvasive plant choices, and     
  • Describe measures necessary to reduce the risk of spread.   

Informed consumers are more likely to understand the risks posed by invasive plants and reduce their spread.

An effective strategy for the prevention and management of invasive plants will require a combination of legally binding and voluntary approaches. Sustainable forest management standards have been successful in promoting comprehensive environmental and social standards in the forestry sector. Similarly, the ornamental horticultural sector should be encouraged to comply with legislation and reduce the numbers of invasive plants sold in Canada. While there may be short term losses in a small segment of the sector, there will also be opportunities to strengthen the sector and develop a “greener” industry that capitalizes on regional botanical uniqueness. 

Reducing the sale of invasive plant species in Canada and protecting Canada’s biodiversity will require a multi-faceted approach. Improving legislation and oversight, building a knowledge base, providing education and consumer awareness programs together can form the basis of a successful strategy. By following this strategy, Canada can help to safeguard nature, which is essential for human health and well-being, economic prosperity, food safety and security. 

Guest Blog Post from Oakville, Ontario

Dealing with Invasive Plants – My Backyard Story

By Farnaz Bassiri

My backyard story starts when my neighbour came over to ask for permission to remove a tree that was at the fence line. The Town of Oakville staff came to look at my backyard and that’s when I first learned that it was full of invasive plants. As an immigrant I had no idea. I thought if a plant was “wild”, it was native. There were over 50 invasive common buckthorn trees, as well as 7 Siberian elms and 2 Norway maples. What I thought were wildflowers turned out to be highly invasive non-native garlic mustard and ditch lily.

This journey of removing invasive plants was very expensive and time consuming. After the removal, it has been an arduous process of exhausting their seed bank. A single garlic mustard produces up to 50,000 seeds. Buckthorn has such a strong regrowing root that I now know to pull it out as soon as the seedling is recognizable, with only a couple true leaves. The town staff told me this process will take 5 years, as seeds continue to germinate overtime.

It gave me a blank canvas but now I had to find plants which were not invasive and were affordable. When I first went to stores, I couldn’t distinguish what they were selling. Were the plants native? Were they invasive? Would I have to pay to pull them out later? That made no sense.

I visited nurseries only to find them selling plants that I had just removed from my backyard. Nursery staff didn’t know which of the plants were invasive and there were no warnings on the labels to help. I searched the internet to find answers but found a lot of confusing information. For example, Euonymus atropurpureus is native to Canada, whereas Eunonymus alatus is invasive, but both have the same common name: burning bush, so at first, I thought the burning bush I bought was native, it turned out it was not! It was a dwarf version of the invasive one. The staff told me it was the native burning bush, so it is not only consumers who are misinformed. Luckily, so far it seems to be sterile, though the label did not provide enough information to know if it is still invasive if the root system is small. Also, barberry, which is listed as invasive on many lists, has varieties that are sterile. Was that a good choice for my yard?

I found a “Grow Me Instead” guide that offered alternatives to invasive plants, but I could not find many of those plants at my local nurseries. I found it so frustrating.

While visiting nurseries, I started telling people that plants in their cart were invasive – they had no idea. They assumed that the stores would not be allowed to sell invasive plants, which is not the case because there is no regulation in place. There were a lot of misconceptions, such as thinking that plants that are annual or biennial can’t be invasive because they die over the winter. You can’t expect the public to be able to tell the difference. I couldn’t ignore the problem because I had to figure out what to plant in my backyard. It was difficult, so I started to advocate more for non-invasive plants.

I realized that even the Town of Oakville has to deal with invasive plants which outcompeted native plants in its forests and trails. They work to remove buckthorn at great cost, and hope the seed bank will be depleted over time. However, if retail outlets continue to sell invasive plants, their seeds may be carried by the wind, insects, birds and other animals, to the newly disturbed areas where buckthorn plants once grew, and once again invasive plants will fill the space. 

Regulation of invasive plants will help avoid this situation from happening again. It will stop high-risk invasive plants from being produced and sold to the public. It will also warn the public of low-risk invasive plants through label requirements, and it will increase the availability of alternatives to invasive species for sale. And my backyard story will have a happy end.

Media Release

Canadian Coalition for
Invasive Plant Regulation (CCIPR)

For Immediate Release
View / download as pdf

Ottawa- Sept. 1, 2022

Canada is in urgent need of a nationally coordinated plan to reduce the spread of invasive plant species, according to the newly-created Canadian Coalition for Invasive Plant Regulation (CCIPR). Our legislative framework is out-of-date and fragmented and responsibility for who controls invasive plants is unclear.

Improved federal, provincial and territorial legislation and regulations are required to limit the spread of both terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants. 

Specifically, CCIPR is calling for the following measures: 

  • The development of a national risk assessment database that can be shared. Plant risk assessments would include potential threats to the environment and public health. They would be conducted by scientists in consultation with stakeholders.
  • Bans on the sale and movement of high-risk invasive plant species
  • Labelling to identify and educate the public about lower-risk invasive plants
  • Public education including alternatives to invasive plants
  • Encouragements for the horticultural trades to adopt the current national Code of Conduct. This would prevent the introduction and spread of invasive plants.

Each year, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in Canada to control invasive plant species, namely plants that arrived from outside of North America. Many of these invasive plants are sold to the public by the horticultural industry, as well as by the pet and aquarium trades. Examples include: periwinkle (Vinca sp), goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria), tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima), yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus), parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) and Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii). All are considered invasive in some parts of Canada. Once these plants escape into natural areas, parks and forests, they cause ecological, social, and or economic harm.

“Gardeners are often shocked when they discover that plants they bought at a nursery are invasive,” says Master Gardener Catherine Kavassalis, a well-respected environmentalist and plant expert who helped to launch CCIPR. “Invasive plants represent a small percentage of all plants sold, but they do enormous ecological damage. They really need to be regulated or restricted to limit their spread and impact.”

A grassroots coalition of conservationists, ecologists, invasive plant experts, and motivated home gardeners from across Canada, CCIPR wants to reduce the proliferation of invasive plant species. They are seeking the public’s support and help to call for change.

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Our Real-Life Origin Story

Turning Public Outcry into Positive Action

Members of Master Gardeners of Ontario have been supporting and educating Ontario gardeners for over 30 years. In our Facebook group we answer gardening questions from folks across North America. Very often we are asked, “Help! How do I get rid of this plant that’s taking over my garden?” These are typically invasive plants that the gardener purchased or inherited. We are happy to provide practical ways to help the gardener, but in some cases control of the invasive plant is extremely difficult due to extensive spread. These bullies are taking over the garden, creating a monoculture to the exclusion of more desirable plants.

We are also asked for advice regarding plants that gardeners have chosen for their gardens. “What’s the best place for this Burning Bush?” Gardeners are shocked when we point out this recent purchase is on an invasive plant list, and we do not recommend they plant it anywhere in their garden. This leads to chagrin, frustration, disbelief, and many more questions:

“What do you mean it’s invasive? I just bought it!”
“Why do nurseries sell these plants?”

There are many other examples of invasive ornamental plants being regulated in the U.S. but not in Canada. For instance, Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) is prohibited from being sold in nine neighbouring states, including: Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin, plus others. While it is widely recognized as an invasive plant across Canada, it is not widely regulated and only Alberta has taken action to end sales. As you can imagine, this also generated some pretty important questions.  

“Why isn’t the government banning these plants?”
“What are you doing about it?”

Frankly, we don’t have good answers for these questions. We like to point out that many of these problem plants are prohibited for sale in several U.S. states. For instance, Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus) cannot be sold in many states, including four that border Canada: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Wisconsin. In New York, if offered for sale in a nursery, Burning Bush must carry a label that states “this plant is an Invasive Species – Harmful to the Environment…” The label must list alternatives.

In response to this, members of the Master Gardeners of Ontario Facebook group decided to investigate the problem. We discovered that ornamental plants sold through nurseries and the pet/aquarium trade are the biggest source of invasive plants in Canada. We were shocked to learn that there are large gaps in Canada’s regulatory system that need to be fixed. In fact, Canada’s Auditor General and others have highlighted the need to solve this problem. We realized we want action, not more questions.

We decided it was time to call for urgently needed change in our invasive plant regulatory system. We began inviting members of the public to join our task force. From across Ontario, motivated and talented individuals have come forward to offer a wide and diverse range of skills and perspectives. We call our team the Canadian Coalition for Invasive Plant Regulations (CCIPR). We want to grow this into a national campaign because this issue affects everyone across the country. We aim to draw public attention to a growing problem that is costing us all more than just money, frustration and labour in and out of our home gardens. These invasive plants are harming Canada’s economy, our environment and public health.

In our next blog post:  Just what makes plants invasive and how do they spread?